The full form of Open Space Technology includes the following (but if some part is missing, then it is not Open Space Technology, only something similar). 1. Opening Circle (agenda co-creation process at the start, without the facilitator helping / synthesizing / suggesting / reducing topics) 2. Facilitator’s explanation of principles and law (calling them […]
February 10, 2017 Speech Laboratory Preliminaries Prayer Opening remarks Papers Authors time A Morality and Humanism Representation of Women in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Demons: human reflections Romanticism: Don Quixote Kafka’s The Trial: responses to reality in European Union The Diary of Anne Frank: holocaust Literature […]
What is Appreciative Inquiry? from A Positive Revolution in Change: Appreciative Inquiry by David L. Cooperrider and Diana Whitney.2001 Ap-pre’ci-ate, v., 1. valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living […]
elect3: records, property x asset, commons msc avr 1-4pm national archives of the philippines NAP implementing rules DRRM x LGU code EO 888, 285 x PD1445 GAM/GAAM x DBM NBC 425 policy framework on asset management
msc avr 8am-12pm ASEAN@50: language and society ab english 2 section A and B social class occupation geographic origins ethnicity nationalism age gender
day 1/ feb 7 (tuesday) @MSC avr 8am to 12pm outline x draft presentation ASEAN50: language and society ab english 2: section AxB 1pm to 5pm logic models presentation records, property, asset Bpublic Ad 3: section BxA day 2/feb 8 (wednesday) @MSC avr 1~4pm public lecture x writeshop Marindukanon research tools, platforms and […]